
Introducing The New Career Academy Master Teacher Certification

The Career Academy Master Teacher Certification provides an opportunity for teachers with three or more years of experience teaching in an academy to validate their work through a reflective portfolio-based professional development opportunity. Those who undertake the certification process will demonstrate their knowledge of and commitment to the NCAC National Standards of Practice by submitting evidence of how these standards come to life through their instructional practice.

Why Certify?

There are many reasons to become a Career Academy Master Teacher. Career Academy Master Teachers prove their effectiveness in the classroom every day:

Student Learning

Research on career academies shows that students in career academies experience improved outcomes during and after high school.

Teacher Craft

Master teachers reflect on their practice, demonstrate their talent in the learning environment, and highlight their commitment to the NSOP through their daily work.

Continuous Improvement

By working with a network of stakeholders, master teachers strive for improving instruction and providing high quality, real world experiences that help students realize their potential for college and career success.

Benefits of Certification

  • Teachers earning the certification will be recognized in a ceremony at the NCAC annual conference.
  • Master teachers may be given opportunities to grow and develop beyond the classroom by contributing to the body of work supporting career academies such as writing blogs, participating in webinars, or delivering professional development sessions.
  • Because master teachers are recognized as experts, they may be sought out for leadership positions in their schools and districts.  
  • Master teachers often serve as academy team leaders and mentors. They may move on to serve as academy coaches or academy administrators.


January 31

Intent to Apply and fee payment due (deferments honored for one year)

June 30

Deadline for submission

July 1 - August 30

Scoring of ePortfolios

August 31

Applicants informed of score


Recipients honored at NCAC Conference

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